Senator Ted Cruz was outraged by the Fulton County indictment, so people fact-checked his remarks – “The rule of law matters”

Texas Senator Ted Cruz expressed his outrage while awaiting the Fulton County indictment against Trump and 18 other people, but not many people were buying it.

The language

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While on Fox News’s Hannity, Cruz told the host, “I’m pissed.” Commenting right before the charges were made official, Cruz did some math, “If there are indictments tonight, it’ll be the fourth indictment of Donald Trump.”

A history lesson

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Cruz then explained, “This is disgraceful. Our country is over 200 years old. We have never once indicted a former president or a candidate and a leading candidate for president. And this is Joe Biden, and this is the Democrats weaponizing the justice system because they’re afraid of the voters.”

Cruz on Huter Biden

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“The timing here is nakedly political. Every time bad news comes out about Hunter or Joe Biden, you can set a stopwatch & within hours, some clown goes & indicts Donald Trump again. Then all of the little lemmings in the media run and say, ‘Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump,'” added Cruz.

Lindsey Graham received criticism as well

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Graham was on Jesse Watters Primetime, where he shared, “I know that Fulton County is the most liberal County, I think, in all of Georgia. The DA there is a Democrat.”

It is “unfair” 

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Graham continued, “I don’t know exactly what they’re going to come out with. But I know this: Between Manhattan and Fulton County and D.C., the most liberal jurisdictions in the country, it’s very unfair to President Trump.”

Graham was accused of missing the whole point of the charges

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The Senator continued, “The American people can decide whether they want him to be president or not. Graham concluded, “This should be decided at the ballot box, not a bunch of liberal jurisdictions trying to put the man in jail.”

Ted Cruz was called out on account of accountability

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“No matter what Ted Cruz claims, nobody, not even a former President, is above the law,” wrote Texas State Senator Roland Gutierrez.

Fair elections 

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The lawyer added on X, “Donald Trump interfered with a free and fair election, and today, a Georgia grand jury issued an indictment charging him with multiple felonies.”

But Gutierrez was not done

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The Texas Democrat and a lawyer added, “Instead of denouncing Trump, Ted Cruz is focused on weaponizing the government to protect him. Cruz is a coward.” MSNBC’s Mehdi Hasan called out Cruz, saying, “Cruz says we have never indicted a former president before.
1) So?
2) maybe we should have!
3) we have also never had a president before who incited an armed insurrection and tried to overturn an election.”

Cruz gets a reality check

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“I suspect that Ted Cruz knows pretty well that Joe Biden does not control the Fulton County DA,” wrote Susan Glasser, who works for the New Yorker. Josh Perry added, “I’d very much argue that the disgrace here lies with Donald Trump for breaking the law rather than Georgia for upholding the law, but what do I know? The rule of law matters. Which is why these indictments are so important.”

The simple explanation

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Chris Boeskool did not hold back, “The official GOP line is that these indictments are b/c of abuse of power by angry, politically-motivated democrats, rather than the real reason: He committed many, many crimes. The reason we’ve ‘never seen this before’ is b/c we’ve never had such a POS criminal as president.”

Another burn

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Chris Jackson half-joked, “Ted Cruz voted to overturn the 2020 election but is very mad about abuses of power.” Bradley Onishi shared, “Ted Cruz is like the manager for a WWE wrestler. He doesn’t do s… except stand outside the ring and yell incoherent stuff in the hopes that he might get one ray of the spotlight.”

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