Voters don’t want Biden or Trump, but stuck on choosing a candidate…Warren, Romney, Cheney

Many voters expressed their disappointment over the repeat of the 2020 elections, with most Americans calling it “exhausting,” yet agreeing on someone else is a massive challenge for Democrats and Republicans.

Nearly 1/5 of voters want someone else

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23% of voters would support someone else, USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll shared in June. The number of people who do not approve of Biden or Trump is much higher, though they will still vote for the respective candidates.

Both are old, but some come with more baggage

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Image sources: Evan El-Amin / and Niamh Blanchard /

The main concern with Biden is his age and mental capability. With Trump, the situation is more complex and will continue well into the month before the elections. Trump is only three years younger than Biden, but he also has pending trials regarding the alleged attempt to overturn the 2020 elections, alleged mishandling of classified documents, and more.

21 percent of voters do not want to vote for Trump or Biden

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Charles Franklin, director of the Marquette Law School Poll, told USA Today that around 25 percent of voters do not want to choose between Biden and Trump. Instead, they would vote for someone else or not at all. This number has been the same since November 2021, and it is highly unlikely to change.

Voters give suggestions

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USA Today spoke to voters who do not support Trump or Biden. Patricia Holliday, a 66-year-old from Florida, suggested Elizabeth Warren because “She has the wisdom. She has policy expertise. She has consumer expertise, and she has the historical knowledge.”

Warren is a force

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Holliday added that Warren has “the moral authority,” adding, “She has the energy that is just driving force.” a graduate student at George Mason University in Virginia is also team Warren because “I really liked her health care plan. And I think she has a lot of good things to say, and I really like what she did with her past work.”

Yet, the graduate’s ideal candidate is someone else

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The 21-year-old graduate shared that her ideal candidate is Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, New York Democrat, and the youngest woman to serve in Congress. The graduate shared, “I really like how she’s not afraid to speak her voice, which I think is really important for a politician, and she’s a good role model for younger women.”

Democratic voters respect Biden

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Spencer Dirrig, 26, who lives in Ohio, told USA Today, “Biden isn’t just a president who is able to deliver on policy, but he’s a president we can look up to.”

Praises for President

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Dirrig added that Biden did more than he thought possible, “especially given the intense Republican and often unfair Republican opposition to even bipartisan-supported bills.” Still, many Democrats would want nothing more than to see Newsom or Raskin on the ballot, but both are team Biden. 

Biden does not mess around

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Image credit: Matt Smith Photographer /

The 26-year-old added, “When it comes to all the political drama that we see in the news when it comes to the former president’s social media tweets and attacks on individuals, Joe Biden doesn’t mess around with all of that. He’s focused on the job at hand, which is delivering for the American people.”

Vote for Herd

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Former Texas representative Will Hurd could be an ideal candidate because he “has been outspoken on the deficit issue in the long-term federal debt in terms of the need to reduce spending.” a 51-year-old manager shared. Another popular name would be Cheney, a Never Trump Republican.

Reasons Cheney would be a good candidate

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Tammy Hester, 52, is a Democrat but would vote for Liz Cheney. Hester explained, “She just has appeared to me to be a person that will at least come to the table and engage in conversations with other parties.” The Democrat also said that Wyoming Republican has “moral fiber.”

Romney still has fans

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66-year-old Walter Cox, a California private chauffeur, would vote for Mitt Romney. “When everyone was against him, he was talking about the Trump impeachment. He was like, Look, there’s enough there that we should look at it. That’s our job as a nation,” Cox said.

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