Pro-Trump supporters’ disturbing political ad is both unsettling and revealing – “If I was the deep state”

Frank Luntz shared a disturbing clip made, allegedly, by Trump supporters, that explained what would the “deep state” do to gain power, and many of the statements connect to the looming government shutdown. 

The sinister voiceover helped create an eerie atmosphere

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Illustration. Image credit: gints.ivuskans via Depositphotos

The clip starts with allegations regarding the “stolen” elections, with the male voice saying, “If I was the deep state and I wanted to destroy America, I would rig the election with a puppet candidate, one that was so compromised that they would never say a word about it.” It shows images and videos of President Biden surrounded by his aides and family.

The video had more on the “stolen” elections

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Illustration, Image credit: Depositphotos

The voiceover adds, “I would create a false flag that allows for mail-in ballots. I would be in charge of the ballot-counting machines. I would create a false flag to blame all who question the results of the election.”

More about the elections and COVID 

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Illustration. Image credit: Depositphotos

It continues with images from the elections, including the COVID-19 crisis, and says, “If I was the deep state, I would prosecute anyone that went against me. I would sue and prosecute anyone that spoke up about the fraudulent election. I would use my powers to shut down all your internet businesses and bankrupt you.”

Attacking the Democrats

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Illustration. Image credit: Sheilaf2002 via Depositphotos

The clip continued, “If I was the deep state, I would make everyone an example of why you should never question a Democrat ever winning an election. I would imprison my foes. I would use my corrupt das and blackmail judges to destroy you.”

January 6

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Illustration. Image credit: Johnny Silvercloud via

It adds, “I would make sure all crimes I ever committed never happened. I would prosecute my biggest competition. I would make sure they could never run for office ever again.” The video also includes images and clips related to January 6.

Going after Ukraine

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

The clip also showed several prosecutors, with Jack Smith taking center stage. But it did not stop with the US politics. The chilling video further said, “If I was the deep state, I would convince everyone that Ukraine Nazis were good and women are men.”

Sounds familiar? 

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Illustration. Image credit: samael1986 via Depositphotos

Then, it showed the Ukrainian President and several prominent lawmakers from the US, with the voiceover further claiming, “If I was the deep state, I would own every politician that mattered.”

Things only got worse

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Illustration. Image credit: Depositphotos

The ad continues, “If I was the deep state, I would push my pe..philia ambitions on you. If I was the deep state, you’d question your se..ual identity, but not the medical establishment.”

Biden appears 

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Illustration. Image credit: via Depositphotos

It adds, “If I was the deep state, you would fear to ever resist me.” For reasons unknown, it showed the President eating ice cream, but soon it went to Pfizer and wolves.

Exhausting 1:50 minutes

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Illustration. Image credit: samael1986 via Depositphotos

The video concludes with, “If I was the deep state, you would wish I was really the devil. If I was the deep state, I would say mission accomplished.” Check out the ad on X.

This was supposed to echo “If I Were the Devil”

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

As many suggested online, the script was supposed to rival Paul Harvey’s 1965 “If I Were the Devil.”

The difference 

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

The radio host resisted identification with any ideology but his own and often changed his mind regarding critical political issues, one of them being the Vietnam War. While both sides tried to use Harvey’s against the other party, they equally failed. 

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Illustration. Image credit: Depositphotos

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