Most Americans believe Trump did “something illegal,” but many are not amused – “People are finally catching on”

A majority of Americans believe that the former president did something “something illegal” or at least “unethical,” a poll suggested, conducted a day after Trump received additional charges in the Mar-a-Lago classified documents case.

Trump by numbers

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Illustration. Image credit: Evan El-Amin /

The NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist National Poll suggests that 51 percent of Americans believe the 45th president has done “something illegal.” A smaller number, 27 percent, said he did something “unethical” but “not illegal.” 19 percent are sure Trump did “nothing wrong.”

Democrats and Independent voters lead the poll

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

The number of Democrats who believe that Trump did something wrong jumped from 78 percent in June to 84 percent in late July. There was also an increase among Independent voters, who went from 50 to 52 percent in the same time period. Republicans remain at the same 13 percent.

There are minor changes among GOP voters

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Illustration. Image credit: Windover Way Photography /

Despite not believing that Trump did something illegal, the number of those who think he did “nothing wrong” decreased from 50 to 41 percent. The poll included 1285 American adults and was conducted between July 25-27. Many people were not impressed by these results.

Some are angry

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

One Reddit poster wrote, “Are we only talking about current events? I’m pretty sure the se.ual assault was illegal. Conning those students was illegal. Misusing charity funds was illegal. And that’s only a small sample of what he admitted to or settled with. But that’s not within the current news cycle, so we just forget about those illegal activities? And then the poll includes unethical? That slimy …. has not done a single ethical thing in his life. It’s a wonder young people are no longer proud to be American.”

Others joked

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Another Reddit user said, “The Trump Presidential Library is going to need a skyscraper-sized annex just to house the True Crime section.” This person alleged, “He’s likely done something illegal every single day of his adult life, which is almost the bigger problem. He got away with all of it because it was hard to focus on just one of the things.”

More harsh accusations

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Illustration. Image credit: Ben Von Klemperer /

Someone shared, “Only 51% after all the evidence, something is seriously wrong with America.” Another wrote, “A majority of Americans have never wanted him in office. A majority of Americans always knew who he was. These polls need to stop pretending a majority is news. The system is made to help the vocal minority of the GOP. Having a majority barely means anything.”

Some good news

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

One Reddit poster wrote, “Only 19% MAGAs? That’s encouraging.” Another chimed in, “Um… he’s done a LOT of things illegal.” Someone pondered, “The real question is, has he ever done any that is legal?” This person delivered, “Considering he’s been criming his entire adult life, it’s good to see that people are finally catching on. Maybe they’ll stop giving him money too, soon.”

Where do you stand?

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Image credit: Evan El-Amin /

Do you think that Trump did “something illegal” while in the White House or after his presidency? If so, do you think he should drop the elections, or all is fair in love, war, and politics?

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