House Speaker Mike Johnson called abortion “a Holocaust,” and it is a problem

A newly elected House Speaker linked abortion to a Holocaust in an op-ed written in 2005, and though it was not available online, the watchdog group Documented found it and confirmed its authenticity.

Reaction to the death of Terri Schiavo

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The op-ed published by the Shreveport Times and reported by CBS said, “The prevailing judicial philosophy is no different than Hitler’s. Because the life of an unborn child (or a disabled Terri Schiavo [sic], or the elderly and infirm) may be difficult or inconvenient or even costly to society now means it can be terminated.”

Abortion and Holocaust

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“This disregard for life has been fostered by the courts. During business hours today, 4,500 innocent American children will be killed. It is a holocaust that has been repeated every day for 32 years since 1973’s Roe v. Wade,” Johnson wrote while working as a lawyer for the Alliance Defense Fund (now Alliance Defending Freedom). 

Alliance Defense Fund (Alliance Defending Freedom)

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Alliance Defending Freedom is an Arizona-based ultra-conservative Christian legal advocacy group that works on expanding Christian practices within public schools and in government, banning abortion, and shrinking the rights of the LGBT community.

Insult to women

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“Comparing abortion to the Holocaust is reprehensible and an insult to women across the country,” told CBS Hannah Muldavin, communications adviser for the Congressional Integrity Project. She warned of Johnson’s “extremism” and reminded that it is a threat to democracy and “the rights of Americans.”

Pro-life or anti-women?

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The majority of Americans are for giving women a choice. Still, the majority of Republicans do not believe it should be a decision of the person carrying a fetus, and often, it includes victims of assaults, trafficking, or those with conditions that could lead to their deaths.

Healthcare issue

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WHO recognizes abortion as a healthcare intervention. That means that the patient is the one making decisions. Or, at least, it should be unless a person is incapable of making decisions.

Mortality rates of moms to be

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Further, studies have proved that states with more restrictive abortion policies have higher maternal mortality. So, perhaps, leaving a decision to the patient and her doctor might not be a bad idea. Otherwise, a woman’s body, life, and future belong to the state.

Back to Johnson

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If Johnson truly believed that abortion equals the Holocaust, which is highly insulting to women, as well as victims of the Nazis, what is forced childbirth? As a reminder, Marjorie Taylor Greene compared wearing masks to the Holocaust. 

Taking things literally

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Peter Wehner, who also serves as a senior fellow at the faith-based Trinity Forum, wrote in The Atlantic about Johson. Wenner said, “He uses his Christian faith to sacralize his fanaticism and assault on truth. I can’t help thinking this isn’t quite what Jesus had in mind.”

Separation of church and state

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Wehner reminded, “The Founders wanted to protect the church from an encroaching state, not the other way around.” Wehner explained that comes directly from Barton’s ideology.” David Barton is an evangelical who opposes the separation of church and state, the Raw Story explained.

Johnson on abortion and the Constitution

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“There is no right to abortion in the Constitution,” Johnson said on Fox and continued, “There never was.” Still, Johnson said in his first speech as House Speaker, “I believe that Scripture, the Bible, is very clear: that God is the one who raises up those in authority.” In 2016, he said, “My faith informs everything I do.” Recently, he told Hannity, “Go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it. That’s my worldview.” 

Well, the Constitution is clear on that

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The first clause in the Bill of Rights states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” Thomas Jefferson said the clause against establishing religion by law was intended to erect a “wall of separation between Church and State.”  

Johnson believes Creation Museum is “pointing people to the truth”

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From women and LGBTQ rights to believing that Earth is a few thousand years old, the new House Speaker has some amusing and dangerous ideas about the world.

Johnson is not an experienced politician

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The newly elected House Speaker was first elected in 2016, representing a Louisiana district. He chairs a newly created select committee on “Weaponization of the Federal Government.”

Election denier

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A New York Times article dubbed Johnson “the most important architect of the Electoral College objections” on January 6, 2021. Johnson did not answer what is his current stance on the 2020 elections. However, the Washington Post warned how “Johnson could use his new job to influence the outcome of the next presidential election, should he still be speaker in January 2025.”

The controversy

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Johnson accused Democrats of waging “a misguided crusade to immerse young children in sexual imagery and radical gender ideology.” He cosponsored Marjorie Taylor Greene’s bill, Protect Children’s Innocence Act, but when it comes to guns, he said,
“Problem is the human heart, not guns.”

His voting tells a story

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NBC News reported that Johnson voted against establishing a January 6 independent commission, the infrastructure law, reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, a modest new gun law, and the CHIPS and Science Act.

Young Earth creationism

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HuffPost dedicated a whole story to Johnson’s association with the evangelical movement “Young Earth creationism.” The movement’s teachers are that the Earth and its plants and animals were created all at once, 10,000-6,000 years ago, based on their understanding of Biblical genealogy. Of course, supernatural acts of God made everything at once.

Johnson, in his words

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Johnson’s close ties to the Ark Encounter creationist theme park founder Ken Ham were highlighted. In an interview in 2021, the new House Speaker stated, “The Ark Encounter is one way to bring people to this recognition of the truth, that what we read in the Bible are actual historical events.”

Noah’s Ark attraction in Kentucky

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Johnson also took Kentucky to court to retrieve tax incentives for the Ark Encounter, a “510-foot wooden replica of the biblical Noah’s Ark located off Interstate 75 in Grant County.” In 2014, he wrote, “Kentucky officials are smart to enthusiastically embrace the Ark Encounter, and the millions of tourists the park will welcome to the area from every viewpoint, race, color, religion, and creed.”

More of the same

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The House Speaker added, “Answers in Genesis aims to encourage critical thought and respectful public debate about the various attractions and ideas that will be presented at its park, and that is the beauty and essence of free speech.”

People lived with dinosaurs

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Johnson talked about Ham, calling him a “dear friend.” On the other hand, Ham wrote in his book, “We can say, 100 percent absolutely for sure, that people lived with dinosaurs!” Johnson’s congressional office has not responded if Johnson truly believes Earth is 6000 years old.

All this could be problematic

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Rachel Laser, the president of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, said, “His policy agenda appears to be in lockstep with that of a shadow network of Christian nationalist groups in our country or working to preserve traditional power structures and win privilege for conservative Christianity.”

MAGA culture

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Talking to HuffPost, William Trollinger, the author of “Righting America at the Creation Museum,” said, “Young Earth creationism is very much a part of MAGA culture. There are very few politically moderate young Earth creationists in the United States.”

People are questioning everything

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A person on Reddit wrote, “Who’s truths? I’m not impressed.” Another stated, “Fresh take from the party of alternative facts.” This person added, “Firing up the Christian evangelical core ahead of next year’s election is exactly in the navel-gazing Gingrich playbook.”

Trump’s approval

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“I am not going to make an Endorsement in this race, because I COULD NEVER GO AGAINST ANY OF THESE FINE AND VERY TALENTED MEN, all of whom have supported me, in both mind and spirit, from the very beginning of our GREAT 2016 Victory. In 2024, we will have an even bigger, & more important, WIN! My strong SUGGESTION is to go with the leading candidate, Mike Johnson, & GET IT DONE, FAST!” Trump wrote on his social media platform.

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Source: Reddit