Former UPS Worker Says Customer Shipped A 300-year-old Painting Made By a Slave

In the viral video, Hunter Ka’imi states he worked for UPS for four years between the ages of 17 and 21. He then says that one of the things he liked the most about the job was not knowing “what was gonna walk through the door.”

He continued stating that one day he would have a pricey glass sculpture to pack and, the following day, a bomb scare. Then Hunter recalls one of his fondest memories.

A woman called asking how much will it cost to pack and ship a painting. She came to the store an hour later, and Hunter saw the “3 by 5 canvas, and it looked like an old finger painting her kid made like 20 years ago.”

The TikTok content creator added it was in decent condition. He described it by saying, “There are some little people, a little barn, and there’s a sun…”

He knew that shipping it would cost several hundred dollars based on the size. Hunter was surprised the woman was willing to pay that kind of money, but then he recalled that overspending was common in Seattle.

After gathering basic information, Hunter asked the lady the critical information: “What’s the value of the painting?”

Dramatically, the TikTok poster said, “Priceless.”

He initially thought it was a sentimental piece, but it turned out it was a “300 years old painting that a slave made.”

The screen freezes with Hunter’s shocked facial expression. He then shared he was always pretty good with his words, but, in this case, he could not find “a word in the English language that I could have said that could have made this interaction less uncomfortable.”

Further, Hunter wondered why this white lady had a painting made by a slave. He concluded that he saw a customer punch his coworker, a bomb scare, and a Russian mob, yet this story is one of the most intriguing.

The clip captioned, “lemme know if you want more UPS stories,” gained over 4.7 million likes and thousands of comments.

Someone asked, “Hold on, I need the Russian guy story rn.” Another commented, “Seattle is an odd place.”


lemme know if you want more UPS stories

♬ original sound – Hunter Ka’imi

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One wondered, “Yeah…why DOES she have that painting….”

This TikTok user wrote, “As soon as I heard “it looked like a kid drew it” I knew it was going to be some insanely valuable piece.”

Some gave good advice, “If it’s priceless?? Go to a real art ship company.”

While others were genuinely surprised, “I don’t know where that story was going… but I did NOT expect that!”

And so was this TikTok user, “The way my jaw dropped when you quoted what she said.”

Many shared their UPS stories, with one person who worked there confirming, “Everyone has a UPS story.”

While it took Hunter a while to get to the point, this story is truly unique.

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