More and more people want to reinvent themselves to the point where they become handicapped. The issue, known as “transableism,” belongs to “Body Integrity Identity Disorder” and represents people who identify as handicapped.
The concerns
BIID patients require their doctors to complete “amputating healthy limbs, snipping spinal cords or destroying eyesight,” according to Evolution News and Science Today (EN). But it does not end there, as some will destroy perfectly healthy organs all on their own. EN writes, “Some of these persons mutilate themselves; others ask surgeons for an amputation or for the transection of their spinal cord.”
A cry for attention?
Talking to Fox News, a 24-year-old North Carolina college student called transableism a “cry for attention.” He added, “It’s offensive to people who actually suffer from the condition that you say you need in order to be your true self.”
Mental health issues
The student continued, “It’s embarrassing, and I don’t know if you can be considered a serious human being if you alter your body like this instead of getting the appropriate mental help you need.”
Using a wheelchair with no need
A senior credit analyst in Oslo, Norway, Jørund Viktoria Alme, 53, identifies as able-bodied and uses a wheelchair, despite not needing it. Alme, a transgender person, appeared on “Good Morning Norway” and stated she always wished to have been born “a woman paralyzed from the waist down.”
A not-so-blind woman
A 21-year-old North Carolina woman identifies as blind, but the most shocking part is that she tried to take away her eyesight.
Arizona internist called it a “delusion”
Arizona internist called transableism a “delusional disorder.” Jane Orient, a general internist in Tucson, Arizona, and executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, told the same publication that “transgender and transabled persons suffer from a delusional disorder.”
Do no harm
Orient reminded, “The Oath of Hippocrates adjures physicians to do no harm.” She explained, “Mutilating the body is an objective harm even if it makes the patient subjectively feel better.”
Lifelong disability
Orient also stated that “disability is lifelong and imposes burdens on others — and neither patients nor physicians can duck responsibility for that.”
Denial of reality?
The internist said, “With transgenders, the follow-up is generally very short — not sure about the [follow-up with] elective amputees.” She continued, “The ‘no other way’ [to cope with the condition] excuse is a cop-out; we need to find other ways,” she said. “Denial of reality is anti-scientific.”
NYU doctor speaks up
Doctors “only perform procedures they feel are medically indicated,” claims Dr. Marc Siegel, a clinical professor of medicine and a practicing internist at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City. He introduced the term “Munchausen syndrome” in the conversations, explaining this is a so-called “factitious disorder” in which a person “repeatedly and deliberately acts as if they have a physical or mental illness.”
The doctor is worried
Dr. Siegel added, “We deal with Munchausen and Munchausen by proxy, where patients can be quite convincing about illnesses they don’t really have — and we need to be on the lookout for this.”
What about plastic surgery?
The doctor called it a “grey area.” He added, “As an internist who clears people for all kinds of surgeries, I find myself in lengthy discussions with patients about whether they really need a facelift, tummy tuck, etc.” Dr. Siegel concluded, “I would never clear anyone for surgery to remove a limb that does not need removal.”
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